Posterity Health x Annandale Fertility

July 29, 2024

Posterity Health offers a unique and inclusive care model to bring male fertility care to Annandale OBGYN & Fertility.Posterity Health is where males go to learn about their fertility and take action. We provide comprehensive virtualand in person services that include the testing and treatment of all types of infertility. Together, under one roof, weprovide Integrated Couples Care to find your fastest path to pregnancy.

Posterity Health empowers males to learn about their fertility andtake action. Our team of male fertility specialists offer personalized advice,educational resources, and effective treatments to help address your fertilityneeds. Whether you’re having difficulty getting pregnant or just want to assessyour fertility proactively, we offer an array of male fertility treatments andservices to help you build your family. Fertility services include:  

Baseline Assessment 

Includes an at-home Semen Analysis and atelehealth results review. 

Male Fertility Workup 

The work-up includes a thorough intake andassessment process, additional diagnostic testing and appropriate and apersonalized treatment plan. The goal of the work-up is identify the rootcause of male factor infertility.  

Reoccurring Pregnancy Loss 

Designed for couples who have experienced twoor more unsuccessful pregnancies or an unsuccessful IVF cycle.  

Second Opinions 

Provided to males who have already seen aphysician and would like a second opinion. 

Other Procedures:  

Posterity Health physicians perform thefollowing procedures: Percutaneous surgical sperm retrieval for IVF (PESA orTESE), Testicular Microdissection, Varicocele and Bilateral Varicocele repairs. 

Get started with Posterity Health: Simply give us a call or email usand we will take care of you.

(720) 666-4739